

Our Personal Training & Nutrition Services are Top-Rated in Dubai by Many Clients


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Testimonial by Dubai’s Celebrity Ms. Sneha Rebecca

Best Personal Fitness Gym Trainer in Dubai Abhinav Malhotra Team AbhiFit - Client Testimonial by Dubai Celebrity Sneha Rebecca
Client Testimonial by Dubai Celebrity Sneha Rebecca for Best Personal Trainer in Dubai Abhinav Malhotra Team AbhiFit
Personal Training Client Testimonial by Dubai Celebrity Sneha Rebecca for Best Gym Trainer in Dubai Abhinav Malhotra Team AbhiFit
Client Testimonial by Celebrity in Dubai Sneha Rebecca for Best Personal Training in Dubai Abhinav Malhotra Team AbhiFit

I can write a real long one here but I guess you requested me to be brief
As the year comes to an end, I am gratified and indebted beyond words for bringing discipline into my physical lifestyle.
It’s been an erroneous journey and I can’t thank you enough for being patient and persistent with me and at times scaring the shit out of me when it was required
Earlier in April we discussed my medical issues and in October we both were pleasantly surprised with the final results.
In the end not to mention the 18kgs lighter I feel is the best thing that happened to me in a long time…

2024 will be all about strength and reaching our new milestone together

Cheers buddy !!

Shitij Kapoor

I came to Abhinav with the worst situation ever. He listened carefully to my needs and worked around the best fitness training. Where most of other coaches would have walked away, he drove me to improve my health through exercise and right choices. I am grateful for his efforts and the results he got me to achieve. Where knowledge and passion for fitness meet, look no further and give him a try.

Massimo Gibilaro

I have always been skeptical about a professional trainer. I’m stubborn, busy and like to ‘do my own thing’. The bottom line is, I have never gotten 100% of the results I want on my own.

I met Abhinav one year ago and his dedication & excitement towards fitness was so inspiring, I couldn’t help but give it everything I had to get the results that we were working at. For the first time in my life, I LOOK FORWARD to eating healthy! Abhinav pushes me to achieve tough goals through strength training which I never thought I could do I feel incredible! Fitness not only changed me physically but made me mentally strong to achieve my personal goals.

Beyond the physical goals that I am excited to reach, I am so excited to continue a lifestyle full of activity, nutrition and healthy mindsets!” I highly recommend Abhinav because of his wide experience, knowledge and his passion to change people’s life.

Tina Thomas

Abhi (as we call him) is one of the best fitness coaches in the UAE. He has been paramount in changing my life around.

I had many issues before I started training with abhinav such as kock knees, torn meniscus, flat foot slumped posture and overall all lack of muscle mass.

I started training because my family members recommended it (they all train with abhi) and at first was very hesitant at first as I have seen many personal trainers who have clients training with bad form which results in injuries, but with Abhi it’s different, from the beginning his focus has been on keeping the correct form and progressing without injury.

He has taught me a lot over 8 months and showed me the importance of following the correct training principles.

If you want to make yourself stronger and not be limited by your injuries there is no one else that you should even consider.

Mustafa Fakhruddin

What differentiates Abhinav from other

trainers is that his clients’ results which speak for themselves. I can go on and on about how knowledgeable and fantabulous he is at what he does but that’s a fact which doesn’t need my endorsement. After all the sun will not start to shine any brighter by me saying how bright it is!

I would like to highlight his key strength (as per me) which is his ability to listen. Mostly you find trainers just talking and talking about what they will make you achieve if you train with them and so on. This guy listens to you, understands your requirements, your lifestyle, your culture and background (that’s very important for a nutritionist), your handicaps, your strengths, motivational levels and basically the whole nine yards that is you. That is what transforms you and you not just see the transformation but get indoctrinated to this amazing journey of fitness and self confidence.

I experienced this first hand over the last 5 months. I was suffering from Chondi Malacia Patella (CMP) since 2010. This had hampered my ability to workout and I went into a decade of developing bad posture and managing a life with knee pain. Abhi ensures that my initial training and nutrition were aimed at alleviating my postural issues and strengthening my leg muscles to better support my body weight.

He recognized my desire to transform and fed it positively to trigger a chain reaction of transformation due to which i’m 15 kgs lighter, much stronger, healthier by light years and most importantly can run 5 kms in under 29 minutes without feeling any fatigue or knee pain. That ladies and gentlemen is nothing short of AMAZING!!!

I now look forward to my time in the gym and sweating it out rather than cringe at the thought of moving from my sofa.

Up Up Up champ!!!

Ranny Makhija

I came to Abhinav with a broken arm (held together with screws and clamps), a shoulder injury, nagging groin pain, knee issues and yet an ambitious goal of building muscle mass.

When I met Abhi (as everyone fondly calls him) I explained to him my handicaps and told him to advise me if I would be able to train. I didn’t want to sign up for training sessions only to realize I am unable to do most of the exercises needed. I liked it when Abhi told me not to sign up immediately but train with him for a few days and then decide. Most trainers would just sell you sessions. Abhi dedicated the first session to identifying my pain free range of motion and exercises that I could and could not do. Right after the first session I knew I had found my sensie! I signed up with Abhi immediately.

It’s been 9 months I have been training with Abhinav and I feel a big change. Despite my handicaps I am growing in muscle mass and most importantly I feel healthy. It’s not only the exercises, Abhi’s knowledge on physical health and his ability to translate the complicated stuff into easy to understand concepts is exemplary. I so look forward to my sessions with Abhi because they are a total stress buster for me after a full day of slogging at work 🙂

Vikas Maheshwary

I have been training with Abhinav for almost 3 months now. When I had signed up with Abhinav I was recovering from a slipped disc and at that time with all the fear that I had about training with weights, he instated confidence in me by doing some basic things right, we focused on: Form correction, body conditioning and Loosening up tight muscles in my lower body due to sedentary lifestyle by doing simple stretches.

Normal basic exercises at the time seemed like a mammoth task!

Days went by and I started seeing the difference in my movements and while doing simple things the right away; I ended up losing over 9 kgs Fat and building 4 Kgs Muscle mass in 3 months (with breaks included)

Abhinav combines encyclopedic knowledge of training methodologies, proper form and nutrition, with an enthusiastic commitment to his work and clients. His friendly, motivational, deceptively easygoing personality will have you working harder than you thought possible.

We train at 6 am & he makes each workout challenging, creative and most importantly enjoyable. I consider myself lucky to have found a coach like Abhinav, and wholeheartedly recommend him to all interested in setting the foundations for improved fitness and living a healthier lifestyle!

Mehlam Charbi

Abhinav is well educated and he strives to know his client and their goals and pushes them to achieve it. Each client is different and he EDUCATES them so that it becomes a lifestyle and not a short term goal.

I came to him with a busted knee, troublesome shoulder and lower back and Scitica issue. 6 months on and I am now regularly playing volleyball, energetic enough to play with my kids and lift weights in daily life. So hats off to him… well done coach!!!

Let keep the good work going… and like he says… UP UP UP!!!!

That’s his mantra always looking up… ahead… learning new things and continuously educating himself and his current and previous clients alike.

Abbas Hamid

Abhinav is one of the most knowledgeable, passionate and influential trainers I have managed. During his time with Fitness First he has elevated himself to Master Trainer. Not only has he run a successful Personal Training business, of over 40 one on one sessions per week, for nearly 4 years, but he continually keeps up to date with the latest scientific research and has a great presence on social media.

He is a regular panelist on the gulf news writing articles on health and fitness and as a result of his ability has become one of the most sort after Trainers in the UAE.

James Eaton

I have trained with Abhi for just short of one year. I came in saying that I will control my diet to the max but that I was one of the laziest on this planet. 1 year down the line the happiest I see myself is when I am training at the gym. Not only has he helped me achieve the results I wanted but he has helped me change my lifestyle for the better where I genuinely miss going to the gym even if I skip two days.

Even after having completed my contract with Abhi he is still supporting me and making sure I continue training myself. He is one of the most supportive people ever and he will always make sure to keep you entertained too.

Super super super recommend!!

Krishina Gandhi

Would recommend him 100% the gratitude I feel towards Abhinav, The energy, the meal planning, the training, the attention and dedication towards the client is second to none. Abhinav strives to educate and not just answer the questions of his clients.

I started training with Abhi in July 2018 and I  just 4 months I lost 19 kgs of Fat, this was with 1 month break in Aug and 3 weeks in Oct.

Abhinav is a gentleman, truthful and blunt as and when I required it (probably required it more often than I would like to admit!)

He takes his clients, their training and their health seriously. Above all, he makes it a mission to educate, benefit, strengthen and train in a way that triggers long term healthy lifestyle not just a ‘quick fix’.

He knows what he’s talking about and is always learning and is encouraging us to learn as well. He asked me to set realistic short term targets and long term goals and guides me accordingly to generate the results. He sticks with me on my off days and catches me out on my lazy days too. During the training I was encouraged to eat and not stay hungry to loose fats and gain muscle weight.

What’s interesting is that you see the benefits of strength training in your lifestyle when you lift heavier and can feel yourself getting stronger and able to have that energy towards family and friends that you couldn’t before. That feeling is better than any weight loss.

The changes you see are genuine and long term not a fad diet plan which you gain back as soon as you let go.

An all in one package! Abhinav is truly in league for his own and I will always be grateful for the positive changes he brought into my life.

Huzaifa Akbarali Fakhruddin Hamid

After many years of being a gym member and rarely/casually going there – I finally decided that 2018 is the year that I get serious on disciplining myself and getting into shape.

That’s when I approached Abhinav to attain this goal and am glad that I had taken this step and followed his guidance…

Abhinav took the time to discuss with me about my goals and he thoroughly went through the do’s and dont’s of my diet plan + he monitored me every week and tweaked the training or diet depending on how my body responded.

This coupled with a push to go for that extra rep or to break the limit and extra weight was the driving force and changed my physique…

I dropped from 91.5 kgs / 34.8% body fat to 82.3 kgs / 22.5% body fat within 4 months and have more strength and confidence than ever before…+

I have not only got fitter but have now integrated fitness in my lifestyle + incorporated a healthy diet regime…

Abhinav’s interpersonal skills, his knowledge about fitness, muscle anatomy and diet + his diligent work ethic makes him one of the best trainers I have met until now.

He cares about his clients + he has the skills to develop training and diet plans that will truly help them gain their desired goal….

His motivation/push and the constant “STRONG BOY!” + “LIGHT WEIGHT!” screams – still resonates with me when I do my leg/pull push exercises

I highly recommend Abhinav if you aim to achieve a fitter version of YOU and be coached towards attaining that fitness permanently as a lifestyle – also, do get ready to have your ass-kicked in the process!!

GO GET FIT NOW #AbhiFit !!!! ???? ????

Sunny N. Rathod

I have been a member of Fitness first since 2011, however I was never serious about fitness. It was in Jan 2018 when I decided to take PT sessions and my target was to train for a max 2 months. I started training with Abhinav and within 2 weeks I could feel the difference. The next few weeks were so productive that I decided to continue training with him and the original 2 months plan became 8 months. Today, I can feel the transformation (both physically and mentally) and this makes me extremely motivated towards personal fitness.

The good thing about a professional is his understanding of the subject and his subject both. Abhinav is a true star in this sense because he not only has a solid grasp over his field, he understands his clients’ requirements also. He knows when to push, how to push and where to push. His technical knowledge on fitness is par excellence. Never one to shy away from answering difficult queries, or from learning and adapting new things in his program. He is someone who has gone through the drill himself, hence he is best suited at guiding people on what to do and what not to do.

With 100% conviction, I can vouch for his professionalism, his work ethic, his understanding and his impeccable knowledge on the subject. He is a walking talking encyclopedia of Fitness.

Abhinav – You are a true star… Take a bow

Ramit Sharma

PCOS – An excuse…

To fight back, work harder and get those abs OR just do nothing and let the stubborn belly fat grow???

I chose the former!

Until a few months ago, I believed I could never have a flat stomach, let alone such prominent cuts and conveniently blamed PCOS for it. However, it’s the best feeling to prove myself wrong and see my body transform from just thin to strong. Well, now that I have cuts (far from any fitness model or an athlete though), I wonder if it’s the end of it or just the start…

Thanks to Abhinav for his able guidance and motivation (how much he screams!) all throughout. He certainly understands the subject and his subject! And a little credit to myself for investing in my health by sacrificing unnecessary carbs (something that all vegetarians survive on and don’t realize what they are doing to their body), eating clean and following a fitness regime that made me stronger.

Payal H. Doshi

Dude I can’t tell you how I unbelievable I feel!

If I had not generated this result myself with your guidance… there is no way I would believe it!

???? ur in a diff class buddy!!! ????

Thanks is not enough!???????? ???????? ????????

Huzaifa Fakhruddin

The Fitness Transformer Abhinav Malhotra

# Read my real story below.

When going gets tough, only tough gets going.

One of the biggest transformations of my life, a journey from the:-

#107 kg to 92 kg

#40 inches waist to 36 inches

#XXL to M/L

#0 to 50 pushups

#0 to 100 squats

#175 LDL to 130 LDL

#30 HDL TO 60 HDL

#++ More attentiveness

#++ Better Efficiency

#++ Quality work

## Eventually quality and happy life

This transformation has not only touched outlook of my body but drastically improved internal health parameters also- leading to happy, holy and healthy life.

Dildeep Singh

Had the opportunity to train with Abhinav Malhotra, one thing is given. He will help you to achieve your goals. There is no Two way about it. Rare to find this these days. Not only did he listen to me. He made sure I had the right guidance and knowledge and strength training to move forward. Kudos mate. Can’t wait to come back.

Shadaab Razak

Patience is one of the greatest virtues a coach can ever have. I can boast on Abhinav’s behalf, he has an infinite level of patience, especially when it came to training me, someone who would find every excuse possible to avoid any form of physical activity. He helps me with my nutrition and diet which acts as catalysts towards achieving my goals of losing body fat and getting more toned. I am definitely seeing a difference which is exactly what I wanted.

Sumika Iyer

He is one of the best fitness professionals I have come across.

Yunus I. Shaikh

One of the best personal trainers I have ever known. Always top notch with his content. A well informed and learned professional.

Vinay Sangwan

Abhinav was clear on what I had to do from an effort and commitment point of view. His logic was simple- No Pain No Gain!

Educated me on what to eat for all meals, including post workout, most important was to bring about a change in habit that led to a positive change in lifestyle.

The tough part was the first 90 days after that body and mind adapts to the shock. Then I gained better confidence and tougher workouts became a routine. He would push me to the brink through pure motivation! That’s the backbone ones need to find in a Personal lifestyle trainer.

Abhinav also educated me well in advance saying after 8 to 10 months I will get a bit flat hence important to change the workout patterns and change diet to further shake the body up.

He knows his stuff, will explain each workout and patterns effectiveness. If you want to learn and understand what your workouts are besides doing them Abhinav is your man.

Rohit Thomas

The best in business.

Neha Khosla

The boss methods in training are really great and was helpful for me since day 1. I didn’t expect the results that I got from him and hopefully I will achieve more under him. He is such a  professional coach and a great person as well.

Mohammed Saeed Elblooshi

One of the best trainers in the fitness industry and business I have met in my life. His commitment towards work is remarkable with sheer knowledge and experience.

Always provide an insightful connection to the client for each fitness goal he set.

He is the best in class and in business.

Snehil Yadav

Abhinav is a perfect example for being a Personal Trainer and consultant. He understands what he does very well and I am glad being trained by him the past 6 months….. The results talk.

Ahmed Jarrar

Abhinav is an excellent trainer. One of the best trainers in Dubai.

Fazal Anwar

If motivation, flexibility and a personal approach is what you’re looking for in a PT, then Abhi is the man for you! He changed my life completely from a lazy guy to a motivational approach. His training and diet program sessions are rewarding. I throughly enjoy his work program and I am on the way in achieving my goal from an obese to a fit guy.

Merish Thomas

I have been training with Abhi for a quarter now and I see considerable difference in my fitness level. Abhinav is not only a motivating trainer, but he is also a very well read fitness coach. Very functional in his approach, he excels in every body type and designs a training schedule and nutrition plan such that you achieve your fitness goals and alleviate your health issues.

He will push you beyond your mental and physical limit and will get the most out of your body, mind and soul. I highly recommend Abhinav if you’re looking for a trainer that sincerely cares about your well-being.

Payal H. Doshi

Abhinav, excels in his techniques and provides customized plans based on your medical conditions and fitness ambitions. I fondly call him “The Doctor”. He is well educated in science of nutrition and anatomy of human body to get you what you wish to achieve. Be it weight loss for healthy lifestyle, professional sports preparations, heavy weight lifting.

His clients’ success are basic achievement, more importantly the belief he instills in them for leading a healthy life are true achievements. He is a huge inspiration and will be successful in near future due to his commitment and hard work! Keep up the good work. Abhi-Fit (get fit now)

Aqib Khalfay

Ass kicker and trail blazer. Abhinav’s knowledge and technique coupled with his extraordinary training techniques makes him one of the best personal trainers in the UAE. His knowledge of strength and conditioning is unreal and techniques he chooses always bring amazing results. I gained close to 3 kgs of muscle in the month of Ramadan whilst fasting for 15 hours all due to Abhi’s training methods.

Furthermore his kettlebell training is the best in the UAE. I highly recommend Abhi to any looking to gain strength muscle and good conditioning. Keep kicking ass brother!

Ali Khan

I started training by myself a little over 2 years ago and one day Abhinav offered to give me a trial session and from that day, my training journey changed immensely. After many years of focusing just on cardio and failing multiple times, I learned from Abhinav the importance of resistance training. He made me into the gym rat and self-proclaimed squat master I am today.

He’s extremely knowledgeable and passionate about his work and well-read nutrition and sports as a science, which is something I really value being a healthcare professional myself.

Dr. Ahmed Osama

I wouldn’t have achieved my level of fitness post pregnancy and suffering from MS if it not the personal attention given by Abhi in my training!

He’s very encouraging and vast knowledge of his profession. His nutritional advice with MS condition has helped me with more energy!

Latika Chopra Kohli

I was recommended to join GYM specifically Abhinav Malhotra by my brother Qaid Zohar Fakhruddin, i had joined with no intention or plan of having any weight loss or body shape any sooner than 6 months +, but i was wrong, my food habits & my life style changed.

My body got into shape in 30 sessions that’s less than 2 months and here i am in 3 months now lifting Deadlift of 140kg + and Squats 110+ .. its not the vehicle you drive, but the driver behind the wheels..in Short Abhinav Malhotra #ABHIFIT is the one stop solution for all your health and fitness complaints.

Mohammed Saajid

Before our son Aliakbar started training with Abhinav, my husband and I were genuinely concerned for his health and wellbeing. Aliakbar was a skinny boy who whilst he had the stamina to run in a cross-country event, he had strength issues.

There is a lot of misconception and negativity with young children starting strength training, (i.e., training with weights) in society/family, however, with the knowledge and expertise of Abhinav he was able to guide us properly and so our trust and confidence in him has outweighed all the negativity associated with this.

Aliakbar’s eating habits have also improved dramatically. With the guidance and support of Abhinav we have been able to work with him and teach Aliakbar the right food choices and we now too often hear our son asking us, ‘Is this healthy? – is there enough protein. We have also noticed a huge improvement in his thinking. Whilst Aliakbar has always been a bright child, training has allowed him to access all parts of his brain which in effect has helped all areas of his life, including schoolwork, social skills and the list does really go on.

With Abhinav it’s not just about building muscle, it’s about working with us as parents to teach the tools to create a long-term healthy relationship with exercise and food. We are confident that because of the training Abhi is providing, Aliakbar will continue to make healthy lifestyle choices, an option that all parents should consider for their child.

As parents, we are eternally grateful to Abhinav for the way he has transformed our no longer little boy. It really is a skill for life, and there has been no better decision made than introducing our son to Abhinav and strength training!

Abhinav’s slogan ‘Abhi Fit- Get Fit now’ couldn’t be a truer statement, do it now, it doesn’t matter your age or lifestyle, everyone deserves a chance which is exactly what Abhinav does, and our son Aliakbar is a true testament of that!

Thanks Abhi!

Alefiya Huzaifa Hamid

I 100% recommend Abhinav! I was at a state where I would struggle to walk for more than 1 hour without my knees failing and struggled to do my prayers. 5 months later I feel fitter than I ever have. I’m approximately 18kgs lighter and stronger than any other ladies I know that are also 45 years old! Not only do I feel super happy with my progress but the push and the constant support from Abhinay. I would have never been able to do this myself. So I’m grateful.

Zenab Shabbir

An amazing combination of passion, drive for results & growth mindset. A consistent pursuant of excellence Abhinav has helped me achieve results which I could only dream of only hesitantly. From a guy with a sedentary lifestyle, blessed with hereditary obesity and “I don’t have time for workouts” attitude, he has helped me to become “whats my workout today” guy.

As an obese guy with chornic lower back issues and knee pains other trainers that worked with me in the past just made me do circuit training and always recommended to stay away from weight training. Abhinav helped me build up on strength and drop fat with focus on weight training and nutrition.

To ensure that I follow his program, he ensured that at each stage I know what he is making me do, how my body is working and why it is going to get sustainable results for me.

Results are the biggest motivator for anything and the fitness is no different at all and Abhinav knows that very well. So since lockdown opening up in the past 5 months :

  1. I have lost 18kg body fat
  2. I bench 80kg
  3. I squat 120kg
  4. I deadlift 130kg
  5. And most importantly understand all the above metrics are critical for healthier & fitter me.

Thanks for making me the fittest version of me @ 38 J

Ashish Kohli (38 years old busy professional)

Abhinav Truly means and stands by his MOTTO “ABHIFIT” !! Meaning NOW it’s time to be fit. I have trained with multiple trainers in the last 15 years and no one comes close to Abhinav !

He is a LIFESTYLE COACH, not just a trainer !

He understands what I need and guide me through the entire journey, he keeps me motivated till I achieve my goal.

His passion to improve his skills and knowledge has always awed me. Abhinav has taught me how to perfect my techniques and keep realistic goals.

Qaid Zohar Fakhruddin (38 year old businessman)

Abhinav Malhotra is truly the best personal trainer with a personal touch. He always keeps following up, unlike many other trainers who just do it for the heck of it and makes sure we get those damn results !

He treats all his clients equally, be it an online client like me or a one to one client. I chose the online option due to a few obvious reasons but Abhinav made sure I get my results.

My overall health improved, my sleep has been better than ever, stress & anxiety levels have reduced to a greater extent. Above all I have reached my weight goals after many failed diets over the years.

My strength levels are better than ever. I’ve started to do chin ups for the first time in my life !!!

I would definitely recommend Abhinav to people who wish to reach their fitness goals in terms of weight, strength & overall well being.

Abhijith Hosmani (36 years old busy professional)

My husband had gone through a brain surgery which left him in a bad state, Was not able to walk due to muscle weakness and could not talk or converse properly. It’s been 2 months he has started training with Abhinav.

Because of Abhinav my husband has become more confident able to stay focused it truly has had a positive impact on his life and lifted his spirits. He has gained significant muscle strength in arms and legs.

Abhinav has motivated him to the fullest not only is he enthusiastic but also aware and knowledgeable about my husband’s condition. Training with Abhinav is a great investment…Your body and soul will definitely thank you !

Zenab Taheri (Wife of Ali Asger)

Having bad experiences with the same place and fellow expert trainers, it was hard to bite the bullet one more time. I heard Abhi on 89.1 radio and that’s when I started stalking this guy (kidding). I followed him , looked at his transformation stories and thought to give it a try and after meeting him.

First meet I know he knows how to deliver and he knows what to do with an individual to bring the best out of him physically and mentally. I have started loving workouts coz of him and seeing him lift those massive monster plates I crave to hit that PR.

To top it all his follow ups are believable…I feel more answerable to him than my own husband but that’s what a trainee needs to push a motivated accountability and ABHI gives it all…I have seen him with his swollen eyes not getting enough sleep yet showing up 530am to train me. I can go on & on.

To sumup if u wanna see youe mental and physical self upgrade HE IS YOUR GUY.

ALISHA FAWAD (35 years, mother of 3 kids)