An amazing combination of passion, drive for results & growth mindset. A consistent pursuant of excellence Abhinav has helped me achieve results which I could only dream of only hesitantly. From a guy with a sedentary lifestyle, blessed with hereditary obesity and “I don’t have time for workouts” attitude, he has helped me to become “whats my workout today” guy.
As an obese guy with chornic lower back issues and knee pains other trainers that worked with me in the past just made me do circuit training and always recommended to stay away from weight training. Abhinav helped me build up on strength and drop fat with focus on weight training and nutrition.
To ensure that I follow his program, he ensured that at each stage I know what he is making me do, how my body is working and why it is going to get sustainable results for me.
Results are the biggest motivator for anything and the fitness is no different at all and Abhinav knows that very well. So since lockdown opening up in the past 5 months :
- I have lost 18kg body fat
- I bench 80kg
- I squat 120kg
- I deadlift 130kg
- And most importantly understand all the above metrics are critical for healthier & fitter me.
Thanks for making me the fittest version of me @ 38 J